The Pros of Vaping in the Midst of the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Pros of Vaping in the Midst of the Coronavirus Outbreak

ALEX ZEIG8 comments

Get this: one out of five Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 reports that they vape regularly. Not only that, but the number of vape fanatics in the United States is increasing every single day.

Curious about the pros of vaping?

To tell you the truth, you are much more likely to die from smoking cigarettes than from coronavirus. Here are the pros of vaping amid the devastating coronavirus outbreak!

What Coronavirus Does to Your Lungs

If you're wondering what coronavirus does your lungs, you're not alone. Also known as COVID-19, coronavirus first appeared late last year as a bad case of pneumonia. Soon, scientists realized that this infectious strain of the pneumonia was an unheard-of virus.

Sadly, this respiratory disease is now known as a "pandemic," with victims reporting flu-like symptoms around the world.

The good news is that almost 80 percent of those infected with coronavirus can recover without any special treatment. A very small percentage of people develop difficulty breathing and become seriously ill.

For those of you were feeling morbidly curious, here's the breakdown.

Almost every case of coronavirus stems from pneumonia. To put it simply, there are four different stages of the virus's effects on people.

For example, people with the least amount of symptoms are diagnosed as "sub-clinical." Besides testing positive for the virus, these victims show no outward signs of being infected.

On the other hand, some people develop coronavirus in their upper respiratory tract. Unfortunately, this diagnosis can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Conjunctivitis

People with upper respiratory tract infections are still capable of transmitting the virus but they may not know it yet. That's because their symptoms are only minor at the time of diagnosis.

However, people who are most commonly diagnosed with coronavirus have worse symptoms. These are the ones who often end up surgeries and hospitals for immediate care. Also, they typically develop cold-like symptoms that would make them cancel work.

Some victims are suffering from the most severe stage of the illness. Although this is a small percentage of people, it usually includes:

  • Elderly people
  • People with high blood pressure
  • People with lung problems
  • People with diabetes

But how does this happen?

How Coronavirus Causes Pneumonia

Curious about how coronavirus causes pneumonia? We've got your back. First of all, people who are diagnosed with coronavirus will normally suffer from a fever and a dry cough.

Once this happens, chances are that the virus has already reached the "respiratory tree." In case you have no idea what this means, your respiratory tree includes passages that push air from your lungs to the outside of your body. 

Anytime at your respiratory tree is affected, it causes inflammation. In turn, the nerves that line your airway becomes extremely irritated. As a result, even the tiniest piece of dust can trigger a severe cough.

It gets worse. After the virus passes through the airway of your lungs, it hits the gas exchange units. This vital body part lies at the end of your air passages.

That's not all. When your gas exchange units become infected, they end up spewing more inflammatory by-products into your lungs' air sacs. When your air sacs get inflamed, a ton of inflammatory cells and fluid pour from your lungs, resulting in pneumonia.

But wait - there's more. If you are not grossed out enough, picture this: following an outpour of inflammatory cells into your bloodstream, your body won't be able to produce enough oxygen.

After that, ridding your body of carbon dioxide is going to be tougher than ever. This is the most common way that coronavirus patients die from pneumonia. Nobody wants that, right?

Why Vaping Is Better Than Smoking

Most people already believe that vaping is better for you than smoking, but why should you vape during the coronavirus outbreak? We're glad that you asked.

When it comes to the pros and cons of vaping, we are practically experts. So, if you need a refresher on vaping 101 from the vape pros, you've come to the right place.

For those who are unaware, vaping is much safer than smoking cigarettes alone. Yes, you read that right.

How do we know this?

The answer is simple. That's because vaping doesn't involve any:

  • Tar
  • Combustion
  • Ash

Therefore, switching to vaping during the coronavirus outbreak is a necessity.

This is especially true for those who are looking to boost their overall lung capacity, oral hygiene, and skin health. Not to mention that their circulation and sense of taste and smell will improve too.

On top of that, there aren't any nasty odors associated with vaping either. Instead of smelling tobacco leaves, you can pack your vape with all kinds of deliciously fruity flavors.  

In addition to this, vaping gives you more control over the amount of nicotine that you intake. From nicotine-free e-juices to high nicotine e-juices, there are so many choices.

You definitely can't say the same thing about cigarettes, that's for sure!

Learn More About the Pros of Vaping Today

Want to learn more about the pros of vaping during the coronavirus outbreak?

If yes, we've done all the hard work for you.

Fortunately, vapes reduce your nicotine intake while increasing your lung circulation at the same time. That's why we highly recommend that you make the switch to now!

On the hunt for quality vape products?

If so, check out our best-selling vape pens today!



All content found on the Website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only.  The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. VaporDNA does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on Reliance on any information provided by, VaporDNA employees, contracted writers presenting content for publication to VaporDNA is solely at your own risk.

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by VaporDNA

Comments (8)




I’m curious on weather pg can help stop the spread also! I’m in my late 30 and have been vaping about 6-7 yrs I had copd and my lungs are complete healed. I would either be dead or on oxygen if I didn’t make the switch so say what you want I know it’s better for me!

Joseph Moreno

I would like to point out 1 major advantage of vaping during this pandemic. As we know covid 19 is transmitted via water droplets when a person breathes. The vape you see when a person exhales after a vape is exactly the same water vapor only it’s VISIBLE. That should give everyone a very accurate idea of exactly how far you should be distancing yourself from others. I think you’ll find it’s a lot more than the required 6 feet. I am working on a video demonstrating this. Look for it soon on YouTube. God bless, and stay safe. #Live.

mike roberts

Good article, any moron who says vaping is as bad as cigs never smoked and then switched to vaping. The fact you regain all your senses of smell and taste and instantly can breath better its so obvious its almost criminal to lie and say vaping is not worth switching to or just as bad as smoking.

One thing I was hoping your article would cover is the supposed antimicrobial properties of PG. I am curious if vaping might even help prevent this virus, i want to see a study if PG can kill the virus. how funny would it be if trump gets on stage and recommends everyone start vaping to prevent the virus.

CHrista Rae

Thank you for your good to know information. It got me to thinking about how my health has been since I switched to vaping Oct 2016. I just now realized I haven’t had a respiratory infection since I made the switch. I used to get 2 or 3 of them a year. That’s the only change I have made. That’s amazing! Just thought I would share. :)

Carl Gula

I can’t stress how important this type ofinformation is. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic I’ve watched the media use it to attack vaping but as usual they attacked it without any credibility. I have been cigarette free well over 3 years now & the change has been incredible! I’ve watched my lungs heal from the X-rays my doctor took, I’ve gained the ability to taste and smell once again and best of all I can BREATHE so much BETTER! I’ve been a proud vaporDNA customer for years now and seeing articles like this continuing to show the truth when it comes to vaping! I thank everyone at vaporDNA for everything they’ve done for me the past 3 years now, I truly appreciate the love I feel from this vape shop! Happy vaping my friends! Stay safe, stay healthy, VAPE ON! 😉💨✌️

Mac Crutcher

This is great information. This kind of stuff needs to get out to more people during this time of misinformation.

Anthony Rappazzo

I would like to personally thank you for educating me concerning the Covid-19 virus. Thank you for taking your time to put the information out for us all to read. Godbless and stay safe.

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