How To: Cleaning Your Vape Tank

How To: Cleaning Your Vape Tank

Brittany Hale

WHY is it important to clean your vape tank?

Like anything else in your possession, it's in your best interest to care for your device if you want your device to last and provide you with the best possible flavor output. It's also important for the quality of your e juice. When your tank and atomizers haven't been tended to, old flavors will carry over and mix in with your new one, leaving a different taste in your mouth than you had been looking forward to. 

Mod care vs. POD care:

Handling Mods and PODs are somewhat similar because of the breakdown of their anatomies. Every device has the same key components: An atomizer, tank, and a battery. Cleaning Mods can be more work depending of the detailing of its atomizer, whereas a POD device's atomizer is a pod form that will probably very simply need to be replaced. 

Simple cleaning a device:

Sometimes, it's not quite time for a full tune-up, but your device just needs a quick clean up. Simply cleaning your device means quickly assessing it and getting the proper patch work going. You may need to wipe down your mod, replace your coils or pod, or just wipe down your tank. A simple, quick touch up will help hold you over until you have the time for a deeper clean. Periodically look at your gold-plated contacts and be sure to wipe an excess liquid or condensation away. This can easily be done with a dry cotton swab and takes no time at all. 

Deep cleaning a device:

When it's time, you will need to deep clean your Mod. This will get rid of excess residues, allow for you to have the most intense flavor experience, and just allow your device to be taken care of. Deep cleaning will involve using alcohol instead of just water. Once your individual pieces are rinsed, you can clean them off with a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol for disinfectant. Be careful about using alcohol on your rubber O-rings though, as they can cause damage. Every piece should be cleaned accordingly when deep cleaning and as thoroughly as possible. Keep in mind, if you’re taking the time to disassemble for a deep clean, do a good job and make it worthwhile!


  1. Disassemble atomizer
  2. Wipe down (again with alcohol if necessary) 
  3. Rinse atomizer
  4. Clean gold-plated contacts
  5. Dry
  6. Reassemble

What can you use to clean your atomizer, besides just water?

  1. Vinegar
  2. Baking soda
  3. Soapy Water
  4. Alcohol
  5. Ethanol

Coil Care, specifically:

Coil maintenance is so important because a burnt wick is the absolute worst. The coil is also where your vapor is being produced so if not taken care of properly, not only can it hurt your throat, but it can also affect your clouds. Be sure to take the time and effort to consistently and properly change your coils.

Rebuildable Coils: 

Gunked up coils will have you suffering in flavor and vapor production. During a deep clean, it's a great idea to clean these. First, you'll want to remove your old wicks from the coils. Then, pulse your firing button a few times until excess e liquid is burned off and removed. When pulsing is complete, merge your coils underwater, but do not put your mod under. COILS ONLY in the water! Rinse it all again, then let it dry and reassemble.


Other important maintenance facts/Extra tips:

      • Get yourself another tank. It's great to have another tank so that when you do not have the time to clean, you can use a different one instead of making the other worse. You can also much more easily switch e juices this way without mixing up your flavors. 
      • Be smart when and where you store your mod. Your mod should be stored properly so that it's in the proper temperatures as to ensure battery safety. You should also try to store it upright, where it can't leak. E juice is also affected by temperature, and too much heat can thin it out and make it more susceptible to leaks.
      • Not allowing your tank to run dry is also important. If you let your tank run too low, you run the risk of burning your coils, ruining them. 
      • Battery maintenance and cleanliness is also important. If you do not take care of your battery ports, your battery connection will stop working altogether. 



How you care for your mod and atomizers is vital for the quality of their output production and longevity. Cleaning and caring for your device are important parts of your vaping routine and should be done consistently. Care for your things and you'll get the most out of them! We hope the cleaning and care aspects we've listed here are helping and explanatory.

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By: Brittany Hale

Brittany Hale was born and raised in Torrance, CA and has a bachelor’s in Journalism from Hawai’i Pacific University. She has been vaping since 2016 and has loved the vape culture since it has benefitted her in many ways. Her enjoyment inspired her to continue to learn about the ins and outs of the industry. She then pursued her passion for writing by combining it with her enthusiasm for vaping by joining VaporDNA’s content team. 

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